University Chaplains

The University Chaplains of the Jyväskylä Parish (of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland) are for both the students and the staff of university and college. You can contact us by e-mail, phone or just saying hi when meeting on campus.

With the University Chaplains you can discuss the matters that distress you. Conversations are confidential and free of charge.

University of Jyväskylä

The University Chaplain of the University of Jyväskylä (JYU) is Miika Mäkinen. His office is located at Seminaarinmäki campus, Fennicum building (room 103, 1st floor).

The University Chaplain works on the level of the whole university and he is for every member of the university community. He is also the link between the Evangelical Lutheran Parish of Jyväskylä and the university.

whatsapp 044 431 4438

Instagram logo jyupappi_miika | kerrojollekin 


Facebook logo Kerro Jollekin

työhuone Seminaarinmäki, Fennicum 103


University of Applied Sciences and College

The Univesity Chaplain of JAMK University of Applied Sciences is Johanna Tikkanen. She works also as the School Pastor of Gradia Jyväskylä. Her office is located at the Rajakatu Campus.

Johanna Tikkanen

whatsapp 050 521 5418

facebook  Johanna Tikkanen | Kerro Jollekin

Snapchat logo johannatikk

Instagram logo johanna_tikkanenLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä | kerrojollekin 

sähköposti /

työhuone Rajakatu 35, huone DP47

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (NKJV)
Gal 6:2 

